Saturday, November 19, 2022

Punt PI investigates those two unsolved wartime murders in the West Midlands

Thanks to a comment from a reader, I have listened today to radio programmes about both the unsolved West Midlands murders I blogged about yesterday.

Punt PI, which ran to 10 short series, was a humorous documentary in which the comedian Steve Punt investigated just such mysteries.

Here are the links for the shows Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm? and Pitchfork Murder - Lower Quinton.

These are entertaining programmes that give a fair picture of how things stand with these cases without offering anything startlingly new, though there is a bit of a coup in the one on Bella. Broadcast in the summer of 2014, it interviewed a forensic biologist who examined the victim's remains. His name was John Lund and he was 101.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found it useful. In the circumstances, I find it surprising that this particular murder/mystery hasn’t permeated into popular culture in the way that some others have.
