Sunday, February 05, 2023

Jethro Tull: Thick As a Brick

Jethro Tull, God bless them, have a new album. RökFlöte. coming out in April. 

To think that I saw them at the NEC in 1986 with some colleagues from Golden Wonder and we made jokes about them being old even then.

And it wasn't the best era to see them either. Ian Anderson had decided he wanted to be a guitar hero, so there were too many Mark Knopfler imitations and not enough flutes and cod pieces.

Here they are 10 years before that, playing a version of Thick as a Brick, their album from 1972.

Anderson once said of it:

"Monty Python lampooned the British way of life," says Anderson. "Yet did it in such a way that made us all laugh while celebrating it. To me, that’s what we as a band did on Thick As A Brick. We were spoofing the idea of the concept album, but in a fun way that didn’t totally mock it."

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