Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Lib Dems say sewage is coming up on the doorstep

It's the issue that's sweeping the country, says the Guardian:

Josh Babarinde, a Lib Dem councillor in Eastbourne who is also the candidate for the Conservative-held parliamentary seat, a key target for the party, says sewage is raised spontaneously as often as the NHS during local door knocking. "It is one of the most common issues that comes up on the doorstep. Beaches are the lifeblood of this town."

Over to Ed Davey:

"It’s much bigger than potholes. Potholes are a very serious issue, and they do move votes, but for sewage, the reason why it’s so dramatic is it brings the pollution of our natural environment and the damage that it’s doing to our rivers and our seas, and wildlife and plants and animals, to human health."

And an unnamed Liberal Democrat official says:

"When we started talking about sewage two years ago, the other parties though it was a bit weird. But now they all want to talk about it."

My photo shows the giant poo that Water Aid brought to the New York Millennium Development Goals Summit in 2010. In those days we saw sanitation as an issue for other, poorer countries.

If sewage does come up on the doorstep, don't forget to point for the camera.

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