Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The Joy of Six 1124

"It was an absolute stain on our country that we once kept children locked up in immigration removal centres, such as Dungavel in Scotland. To make the mistake once was bad enough. To return to the policy would be unconscionable." Alistair Carmichael says detaining child migrants is a stain on our country will not deter small boats.

"The review’s findings suggest that, although Washington has since 2014 imposed multiple rounds of sanctions on Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine, the Justice Department under the Obama and Trump administrations did not prioritize prosecutions related to that war - filing relatively few cases until after Putin escalated it in 2022." Nahal Toosi examines how the US let Russia off the hook after its annexation of Crimea.

Samira Ahmed on the uncovering of the tape of the Beatles concert at Stowe School: "He brought along an extract that we played through the stage PA system turned up as loud as possible to match the experience he’d had back in 1963. It was emotional for all us, including two young A level music students who came along to listen. It was like time travel."

Pen Hemingway lays bare the brutal history of British prison hulks.

"The film met with both critical acclaim and considerable controversy upon its original release. But thinking about Life of Brian as a parody of biblical epics is both the best way to appreciate it and serves, paradoxically, to illuminate the aspects of the Christian faith that even Monty Python could not puncture." Jack Butler offers a Christian reading of Python.

Mike Klein looks at the chess career of Emory Tate, father of the obnoxious Andrew. who was a trailblazing African-American player.

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