Friday, May 05, 2023

Harborough District Council goes to No Overall Control

Gold would have been a Liberal Democrat majority on Harborough District Council. We didn't manage that, but did win silver by depriving the Conservatives of a majority.

The balance of the new council looks like this:

Conservatives 15 (-7)

Lib Dems 13 (+2)

Labour 3 (+2)

Greens 3 (+3)

Two gains elsewhere in the town were balanced by our losing two seats to the Greens in Market Harborough Welland ward - they also captured the one Tory seat there. This was the result of excellent targeting and, in the longer term, of social and boundary changes. 

Meanwhile, Labour's residual strength in Lutterworth resulted in two gains in the town for them.

But we did win new seats in Lubenham and Fleckney, and came close to gaining two more in Misterton and Kibworth.

I'm not party to the negotiations, but I imagine the non-Conservative parties will now look to run the council between them.

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