Thursday, October 05, 2023

The Joy of Six 1167

"When you look at the facts in the cold light of day; Labour’s plan will raise much needed money at a time when state schools are quite literally crumbling. It will not lead to a mass exodus or overwhelm the state sector, and when even Michael Gove thought taxing private schools was a good idea, it’s hard to argue against it." Emma Monk backs moves to curb the tax breaks received by private schools.

Alistair Carmichael talks to Holyrood Magazine about, among other things, Dolly Parton and the Dalai Lama.

Angelina Osborne on why Black British history matters.

"In just one year, bans have increased by a third, with a total of 3,362 bans in the 2022-23 school year. The sharp rise in book bans is largely targeted at books with LGBTQ+ content, characters or authors; books about race or racism; and books about physical abuse or with themes of grief or death." Katie Dancey-Downs explains the need for Banned Books Week in the US.

Terence Towles Canote writes about one of his favourite British films: "David Puttnam had good reason for wanting Bill Forsyth to see Whisky Galore! The producer had been researching the Scottish oil industry, in particular the oil boom in Shetland in the early Seventies. What struck David Puttnam is that the Shetlanders actually welcomed the oil companies, in hopes that the large amount of money generated by oil would in turn help them. David Puttnam then talked Bill Forsyth into developing the idea for what would become Local Hero."

A short introductory lecture on T.H. White, one of my favourite authors, from Gabriel Schenk.

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