Friday, November 17, 2023

Lib Dems call on Welsh government to save the Centre for Alternative Technology

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Jane Dodds, the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, has called on the Welsh Government to help save the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, which celebrated its 50th birthday earlier this year.

She told the County Times:

"I was saddened to hear of the news that the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth has been closed to visitors due to a lack of funds, placing 14 jobs at risk.

"For many people, the centre was an entry point that opened their eyes to what was possible and practical when it comes to sustainable energy.

"At a time when we urgently need to transition to net zero, centres like CAT which inspire the next generation to think sustainability are vital in the fight against climate change.

It Is vital that the Welsh government step in and extend a helping hand to the centre during this difficult time to prevent further job losses and potentially reopen the centre."

The paper says the centre hopes to reopen if it is successful in securing Levelling Up funding for an 'overhaul'.


  1. I visited it about 20 years ago and was fascinated by what it was doing.The water powered lift was amazing
    Cragside, Northumberland in Victorian times.The 1st hydro power station used to produce electricity for the house.
    Innovation,creativity can inspire people in the future to develop the future.

  2. The closure of the CAT (or, as I remember one of my children calling it forty years ago, impressed by small-scale and sustainable organic farming, "the pig place") is nothing short of tragic. If funding isn't forthcoming to allow it to survive, it will further prove that we have completely lost the plot.
    BTW, I have always been amused by the fact that although the CAT is actually near Corris (nice, easy to pronounce, place name) it always insists that it is at Machynlleth, which for any English speaker is an absolute tongue twister.

  3. It is not all bad news. The Centre's message to supporters continues:
    "However, our proposals to rejuvenate our eco centre are still progressing, and have been earmarked for significant funding. Once this funding is secured, it will allow us to re-open fully and raise more funds in future — inspiring many more people to take action on the climate and nature emergency through attracting more visitors, providing additional courses and learning opportunities, and expanding our accommodation so more people can stay at CAT when they visit from afar.

    "The Graduate School of the Environment and short course delivery are unaffected, as is our work with schools and other groups, and our Zero Carbon Britain Hub and Innovation Lab. In these ways we will continue our vital work sharing the skills, knowledge and tools required to tackle the climate and nature crisis."

    There is a donate (or join) page here.
