Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Joy of Six 1180

Celia Richardson from the National Trust answers questions about the organisation and the culture war: "Some commentators have taken an interest and pointed out the unusual nature and frequency of those 'trouble at the National Trust' headlines, especially in the long run up to our AGM each year. I’ve also been pleased to see political research that shows we are held in equally high esteem by voters across the political spectrum."

"The outcome of the Brexit referendum took most of the political class by surprise. That was because much of that class was detached from individuals' lived experience and better keyed into the chatter of talking heads. The rise of Corbynism was also a surprise for the same reason." Stumbling and Mumbling reminds us there are ways of thinking about politics that are not heard in TV studios.

Emma Monk challenges the myth that "the farmers all voted for Brexit - and therefore deserve what's coming to them."

"In a new study, kids who received an ADHD diagnosis were compared with kids who had the same symptoms but who did not receive a diagnosis. Those who received a diagnosis had worse outcomes on five quality-of-life measures and were more likely to engage in self-harm." Peter Simons looks at the findings of a study led by Luise Kazda at the University of Sydney.

Slavery, fake science and the love of profit got Britain hooked on sugar, says Pen Vogler.

The Neglected Books Page recommends: "Four fine neglected books, all written by women, remind us of one of the greatest tragedies to follow the war in Europe - namely, the plight of the millions of prisoners, forced laborers, and refugees who were displaced from their homes and stranded in foreign countries, often without the means to return."

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