Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hunting for locations from The Fallen Idol in Belgravia

The Fallen Idol was the film Carol Reed made before The Third Man and it's nearly as good.  If you've not seen it, there's a good introduction in this interview with Richard Ayoade.

It was filmed in and around Belgravia, so I went to look for it on Friday before a Liberator meet up.

The external shots of the embassy were of 1 Grosvenor Crescent, just off Belgrave Square. You can see it in the photograph above.

I you know the film you will recognise the curving terrace below - it's Grosvenor Crescent.

And you will also recognise Belgrave Mews West and The Star public house. The Star has another claim to fame: it's where the Great Train Robbery was planned.

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