Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Labour is diverting its activists away from Lib Dem target seats

Conservative fears of an electoral wipe out next Thursday will be deepened by analysis in the Financial Times suggesting that Labour is diverting its activists from Liberal Democrat targets in the South of England:

In the Lib Dems’ traditional west country heartland, Labour activists in Bridgwater, north Somerset, are being sent to Plymouth, an 83-mile journey that means passing at least four other constituencies.

Labour is also asking activists from nine seats across Surrey and Hampshire to campaign in the strong Tory seat of Aldershot. If the army town in Hampshire had the same boundaries back in 2019, the Conservatives would have won 57 per cent of the vote to Labour’s 22 per cent. The seat is not on the Lib Dem target list.

As the article says, there is no need for a formal pact between Labour and the Lib Dems, because there are so few seats where they are competing with one another.

Enlightened self-interest has been enough to ensure that anti-Tory votes are distributed as efficiently as possible.

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