Monday, July 01, 2024

De Montfort University expert tips Lib Dems to win Leicester East

If there is a seat where anything could happen on Thursday, it's Leicester East. There, two former Labour MPs for the patch (Keith Vaz and Claudia Webbe) are taking on the party's official candidate, while the Conservatives, after recent promising local election results, seem to have blown things by selecting an unimpressive candidate at the last minute.

But, quoted in a comprehensive feature about the contest on the Great Central Gazette site, Alistair Jones, associate professor in politics at De Montfort University, says:

This constituency will be tight. There are ten candidates, including two ex-Labour MPs for Leicester East, the actual Labour candidate, a Conservative and an ex-Conservative standing, as well as Reform UK. 
This fight is not just Labour vs Conservative, but it is also about Keith Vaz and his desire to return to frontline politics. The result is likely to be too close to call. Expect demand for recounts. Zuffar Haq, Liberal Democrats, will squeak through on a minuscule majority.

And it could happen. Zuffar is an experienced candidate with a strong record of campaigning across the city.

Reece Stafferton wrote a Liberal England guest post about the plans for the Great Central Gazette a couple of years ago.

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