Thursday, July 25, 2024

More adoring press coverage for Steve Darling's guide dog Jennie

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I just hope this piece in Big Issue doesn't go to her head:

The most popular newcomer in parliament knows I’ve been eating bacon and sausages. Jennie leans on my knee and licks my hand. But she’s not fussy. She nibbles on the end of a banana which Steve Darling, the Liberal Democrat MP for whom Jennie is a guide dog, feeds her as she wiggles in excitement beneath the table.

As Darling and I munch on the breakfast served up in parliament (£2.75 for pretty much an entire full English), Jennie sits loyally at his feet. She’s not suited up in her guide dog’s uniform right now, so she can enjoy chilling. ...

Jennie’s a welcome addition for parliamentary staff too, who rush to bring her a bowl of water which she gulps down with speed while we sit outside the Commons overlooking the Thames opposite the London Eye.

Security guards outside parliament - "scary men with big guns" - look at Jennie with adoration, as though she is their newborn child, Darling tells me. 

The interview does eventually get on to Steve's work as an MP:

On Monday (22 July) Darling handed in a Federation for the Blind petition against ‘floating bus stops’, which have a cycle lane between the stop and the pavement, and can be “terrifying” for disabled people.

He also wants better support for disabled people to get into employment, to ensure that “more employers are alive to disability issues”, and for the government to fix the “broken” benefits system which is trapping people in poverty.

But if you want to read ore about saintly dogs, I recommend the Instagram account devoted to Ginger, a pit bull terrier who fosters kittens.

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