Sunday, December 22, 2024

Bramber Green: From bombsite to stone circle

I photographed these stones, which you can find off Judd Street to the south of St Pancras International, on the way to a Liberator drink one evening. I looked up their history when I got home.

The open space they grace is called Bramber Green. Until the second world war, says Ian Visits, it was an area of Georgian houses - you can see a photograph of an ornate house that stood there on London Picture Archive.

Then came the German bombers, after which the area lay derelict until the early 1960s, when it was cleared to create the park we see today.

I can't find the sculptor of these stones - the large one seems designed to encourage children to climb it - or when they date from, but the last major renovation of the site was in 2019.


  1. Originally called Judd Street Open Space, opened in 1959 and almost immediately there were complaints about the noise, calls for six-foot high fences, and the removal of play equipment.

    1. Looking at Google Street View, the sculptures are not present in August 2009, but are in June 2012.

  2. Thanks! I thought they were pretty recent.

  3. And a bit of further digging suggests the name has changed back-and-forth a couple of times over the years. Anyway, there was a consultation in 2009 "Camden Play Pathfinder Engagement Of Young People And The Local Community In The Design And Delivery Of A Refurbished Play Space For Judd Street Open Space" by Camden London Borough, but I can't find the results.

  4. I think it was always Bramber Green to the residents, and in recent years the council has adopted the name officially.
