Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dennis O'Neill and Peter Grimes

I have written before about the death of Dennis O'Neill at a farm in Shropshire in January 1945, which was one of the reasons for the passing of the 1948 Children Act.

In one post I pointed out the case led directly to Agatha Christie writing The Mousetrap and examined a parallel between the case and a book by my favourite writer as a child, Malcolm Saville.

Writing in the Independent last month, Anna Picard suggested that the case would also have been in the minds of the first-night audience of Benjamin Britten's opera Peter Grimes at Sadler's Wells in June 1945.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting blog. I'd known about Bonkers, but didn't realize he knew anyone with one of these infernal Babbage machines. On the subject of forgotten watershed moments after the mistreatment of a minor, what about that raised by David Robertson whilst he was MP for when I bide.
