Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lord Bonkers' Diary: Saying no to size zero

The week continues.


Enjoying a post-theatre drink at one of London’s more select nightspots with a couple of popsies, whom should I come across but our own Lembit Öpik? He has with him the delightful Katie Green, whom I recognise from the billboards.
It transpires that they are hard at work on a “Say No to Size Zero” campaign so that those jolly girls who show off the latest designs on the catwalk can have three square meals a day and still find work.

I am able to tell them that the first Lady Bonkers fronted – and I used the term advisedly – just such a campaign in the 1920s and succeeded in winning sponsorship from the Zeppelin airship company.

Lord Bonkers was Liberal MP for Rutland South-West, 1906-10.

Previously on Lord Bonkers

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