The complete abolition of university tuition fees remains Liberal Democrat policy. In a powerful post, Contrasting Sounds looks at the daunting road that will have to be travelled if we are to get there. Meanwhile, "As it stands, the party policy just doesn’t reflect the democratic reality that the larger parties have no plan to increase taxes, because they (or at least Labour) don’t think people are willing to vote for it. This means the manifesto promises are more about keeping the party’s base happy than letting the electorate know what the party genuinely thinks they can get through Parliament."
In another important post, Millennium Elephant looks at the way forward for the Liberal Democrats after the tuition fees vote. If, as someone who himself perhaps hid behind a fictional persona for too long, I can offer a little unrequested advice, I feel that the idiosyncratic style of the posts on this blog is beginning to grate with the quality and seriousness of their content.
Liberal Vision, in the shape of Tom Papworth, has been reading the comments on the tuition fees controversy that the BBC website published yesterday. He finds a far greater range of views represented than most professional commentators would have you believe.
In a posting that went up last week while I was busy being a dutiful son, Jennie Rigg socks it to the Lighter Later crowd.
Writing on Dissident Voice, Adam W. Parsons dissects the seven myths of slums.
Richard Herley remembers his discovery of Richard Jefferies.
Belatedly: thankee for the linkage.