Monday, November 05, 2012

Jimmy Savile, Edwina Currie and Broadmoor

One of the strangest aspects of the Savile affair was the influence he was given over Broadmoor special hospital.

And a written statement that Edwina Currie, who appears to have been the minister who appointed him to a role there, only added to the strangeness:
She told Channel 4 News in a statement: "What [Savile] did have, as I know for certain, is information which gave him a hold over staff. That could explain why they said nothing, even with their knowledge or suspicion of his misbehaviour. As a result ministers were never given the information, when we could have barred him from the place."
The video above is of her appearance on RTE's The Saturday Night Show on, er, Saturday night. It helps us understand what went on at Broadmoor, but still does not explain why Savile was apparently allowed to do as he pleased there.

Meanwhile, the Daily Telegraph suggests that Savile's original position at Broadmoor - honorary entertainments officer - was agreed by Dr David Owen when he was health minister.

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