Friday, February 08, 2019

Tory UFO expert wants to be in charge of Leicestershire's police

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This blog used to have great fun with Rupert Matthews, the wannabee Tory MEP who believed that "the evidence for UFOs and for the humanoid creatures linked to them is pretty compelling".

In July 2017 he finally got his wish and things went quiet.

But he will soon need a new job, hence this report in the Leicester Mercury:
Three Conservatives are in the running to try to win back the seat of Leicestershire police and crime commissioner from Labour. 
The next PCC election will be held in May 2020 and the Tories are due to select their candidate next month. 
Deputy leader of Melton Borough Council Leigh Higgins, East Midlands MEP Rupert Matthews, and Leicestershire County Council cabinet member Blake Pain have been shortlisted for the candidacy.
It makes you wonder what the long list looked like.

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