Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lord Bonkers' Diary: Resourceful orphans, elves and the like

On days like this I wonder where Lord Bonkers' family is. Perhaps being immortal, whether through bathing in the spring that bursts from the ground beneath the former headquarters of the Association of Liberal Councillors or that cordial the Elves of Rockingham Forest sell, is bound to leave one lonely?

Christmas Day

This is what Christmas used to be like at the Hall! A long table simply groaning with good things and lined by friends, relations, staff, Liberal peers and MPs, members of Earl Russell’s Big Band, resourceful orphans, elves and the like. 

Here, Daisy Cooper is discussing economic policy with the Wise Woman of Wing and the Professor of Hard Sums at the University of Rutland. There, the King of the Badgers discusses the finer points of guerrilla warfare with Helen Maguire and Mike Martin. And everywhere, Freddie and Fiona are rushing out to make or take phone calls to prove how important they are – I strongly suspect them of phoning each other. 

I even spy, at the farthest end of the table, a couple of Conservatives who were MPs until the last election, but I pretend not to notice: it can’t be easy finding a job with that on your curriculum v. And as a multitude of the heavenly host put it (and I think rightly): “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Lord Bonkers was Liberal MP for Rutland South West, 1906-10.

Earlier this week...

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