Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lord Bonkers' Diary: Send for Harpo Miliband


Who will the next leader of the Labour Party be? The answer, it appears, is one of the Miliband brothers.

As an old friend of their father, the Marxist historian Sir Ralph Millipede, I have known them since they were so high. I well remember them on the hearthrug in their pyjamas, putting together Airfix models of the dams that Comrade Stalin had built to divert the rivers of Central Asia and water the Uzbek cotton fields. I was always struck by how similar David and Edward were - indeed I am not convinced that even Lady Millipede could tell them apart.

If I am honest, however, my favourite in those days was the third Miliband brother. He had a mop of golden curls and, though he had little to say for himself, was something of a virtuoso on the harp even at his young age.

I often wonder what became of Harpo Miliband: the Labour Party could do worse than turn to him today.

Monday: Minister for Outer Space
Tuesday: Coalition in the balance
Wednesday: David Laws in his pomp

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