Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Six of the Best 69

Some good sense from Chris White on Liberal Democrat Voice: "Clearly FPC, the elected policy arm of the Party, must continue to draft policy for Conference to determine. It must not be a loyalist claque. Equally, however, it will serve no useful purpose in being a disloyalist claque. Some of the interventions this week have been purist self-indulgence."

Andrew Reeves' Running Blog has the unwelcome news that the police are still harassing people for taking photographs in a public place. Personally, the only trouble I have had is at Cowley Street, but there you go.

A reminder of Nick Clegg's linguistic talents comes from Gary Allanach, who links to a video of him speaking Spanish.

The question of how much New Labour owed to Marxism is discussed by The Third Estate.

Diamond Geezer is following another of London's lost rivers: the Efra.

Also in London, the site of 100 Union Street in SE1 has been transformed into an urban orchard and community garden for the duration of the London Festival of Architecture. See The Union Street Urban Orchard (from whom I have borrowed the illustration) for more information.

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