Sunday, April 05, 2020

Lord Bonkers' Diary: A foul-smelling creature of uncertain temper

After this, the debate over whether the Liberal Democrats need a new logo will gain new life.


It has become my custom, when the first stirrings of spring are felt here in Rutland, to offer the Bird of Liberty a short holiday. Despite my voluntary isolation, I have maintained the custom this year. More to the point, I have maintained the custom despite the Bird of Liberty.

At the best of times it is a foul-smelling creature of uncertain temper, and these are from the best of times. It has taking to swanking about the village telling people that birds are immune to the coronavirus, and yesterday it attempted to buy all the pasta in the village shop.

It is no wonder that increasing numbers of Liberal Democrat activists are asking themselves whether it is time for the bird to go.

Lord Bonkers was Liberal MP for Rutland South West, 1906-10.

Previously in Lord Bonkers' Diary

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