Friday, August 02, 2024

Lord Bonkers' Diary: Some unfair coverage in the tabloid press

Let me say at once that I am certain - well, "almost certain" is probably wiser - that the "dog-shooting range" referred to here did not involve the actual shooting of dogs.


One stop I was particularly pleased to see Davey make during the campaign was that at Thorpe Park. I was instrumental in setting up this attraction after the February 1974 general election, when Jeremy Thorpe’s stock was at its zenith. 

The hovercraft rides remain as popular as ever, but over the years interest in chasing Princess Margaret has dwindled, while the dog-shooting range had to be closed after some unfair coverage in the tabloid press. Yet when I brought the Well-Behaved Orphans on an outing in the park’s early days, they were unanimous in the view that this last was “The Best Bit”. 

Let’s hope our leader’s patronage will point the way to better days for the old place. I have today given instructions for a relaunch under the name ‘Davey Park’.

Lord Bonkers was Liberal MP for Rutland South West, 1906-10.

Earlier this week in Lord Bonkers' Diary

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