Walking home this afternoon I came across a cat sitting beneath a sign saying "Albany Mews".
Being a cat, Albany moved as soon as I got my camera out.
Liberal Democrat Blog of the Year 2014
"Well written, funny and wistful" - Paul Linford; "He is indeed the Lib Dem blogfather" - Stephen Tall
"Jonathan Calder holds his end up well in the competitive world of the blogosphere" - New Statesman
"A prominent Liberal Democrat blogger" - BBC Radio 4 Today; "One of my favourite blogs" - Stumbling
and Mumbling; "Charming and younger than I expected" - Wartime Housewife
The same reader says the bad coverage for Watford Lib Dems arose from a local paper story that omitted any reference to the difference between these adventure playgrounds and conventional playgrounds.Perhaps Watford Lib Dems were guilty of summoning up folk demons, but they felt very much already present. There have been a range of problems at this adventure playground in which health and safety and child protection play their part.
So it’s partly just a case of it being a practical problem having parents loitering around when children are actually in the care of the council (parent tells off someone else’s child whose parent arrives at end of session to find child is upset and then remonstrates with council staff etc.) and whose behaviour was becoming a practical management issue.
Partly it is health and safety – parent goes unauthorised into staff area to make cup of tea, child follows them and gets scalded, parent of scalded child threatens to sue council.
And partly it is child protection – not fear of paedophilia but custodial parent fearful that with unrestricted access of adults to play session non-custodial parent might come along and take child away.
The play area is in a white working class area - the type of voters parties get accused of ignoring and who feel disempowered and not listened to. The parents can also display some challenging behaviour when attending these adventure playgrounds.
So maybe the staff who handled it directly or the politicians were culpable in not saying to the parents "Your behaviour is causing us problems so you’re not welcome any more." But in fact this was a case where sheer common sense practicality, H&S and child protection all merged into one another. Conveying this in the right way was hard.
But the message seemed to be accepted except by a couple of people, one of whom is a disgruntled former council employee. And when the press got hold of the story the council tried to outline the practicalities, but it’s the bits that can be portrayed as being about paedophiles that get reported.
Dorothy Thornhill’s blog post reflected this feeling of not being able to do right for doing wrong. It was a response to, rather than a cause of, the controversy, and a comment on media hypocrisy rather than on the issue itself.
Of course, the last time Watford had a paedophile controversy, it involved the council rebutting accusations that its new glass-fronted leisure centre and swimming pool offered an open invitation to paedophiles to stare at the children in the pool from the street.
But I liked this Lolcat.I’ve got no time for Trick or Treat. It’s just demanding money with menaces and, in the South of England at least, a recent import from America. Worse, paranoid modern parents insist on accompanying their children, trailing behind them with big soppy grins.
A Penny for the Guy was more my style: good, honest begging with a token creative effort thrown in. Children spent hours shivering on street corners before blowing themselves up with fireworks. That sort of thing builds character.
Substitute "sacked" for "attacked" and that moral holds for today's development too.this incident tells us something important about the government. New Labour came to power claiming it was interested in “what works” and not hamstrung by ideology.
The truth, as Jacqui Smith demonstrated, is that to get on today you have to stick to a narrow range of acceptable views. Step outside it and you will be attacked.
The Leicester Friends of the Earth group has now joined a range of other campaigners, politicians and residents to submit an objection to the planning application.This gives me an excuse to publish a photograph of the tearooms at King's Lock, which I mentioned in the original post.
I have not missed an issue of either publication for years. They used to have something in common in that neither appeared that regularly. The LRB comes out fortnightly and in its heyday Viz appeared every two months. As Private Eye shows, if a magazine is good and does not appear too often, you look forward to each issue far more eagerly.It is a national disgrace. The week may pass with scarce acknowledgment that two of the nation's cherished literary magazines are celebrating their 30th birthday within days of each other – not even a joint service at St Paul's, despite their shared interests.
The London Review of Books began as a supplement to its New York sister just as the Thatcher era was emerging. It now sells 44,000 copies among the progressive intelligentsia – the sort of people who so dislike Labour.
Founded two days earlier in Chris Donald's bedroom at the parental home in Jesmond – the progressive quarter of Newcastle – was Viz, hand-stapled and sold in pubs for 20p. It mocks politicians too. At its peak Viz sold 1.2m, but still shifts about 80,000 at a yuppie £3 a pop.
Times have changed since then, and not to the advantage of the adventure playground movement. So I have been delighted to learn from the current controversy that Watford Borough Council are still running adventure playgrounds.Since I first grasped, in Copenhagen, the magic potential of adventure playgrounds, I have spent much time and effort getting them accepted in this country. The hard struggle of the early years is now largely forgotten. We were freely accused of being anarchists or communists, and of undermining morals, as my press cuttings vividly show. It took years of site-snatching, money-raising and propaganda before we could begin to prove that it is rewarding to welcome the exuberance of the young.
It is a great delight, now, to find that the ideas behind our endeavours are generally well accepted, and that many understanding and dedicated people are prepared to join in the work so that young people people can have a fairer deal.
Imagine what those same papers would say if a child was snatched from the playground and we were accused of allowing free access of adults onto our site. Or worse still one of those adults was using it to acquire knowledge of and groom other children - yes sadly it happens we all know that. Again, we would rightly be pilloried.If you add to this what Dorothy told the Daily Telegraph:
"Sadly, in today's climate, you can't have adults walking around unchecked in a children's playground and the adventure playground is not a meeting place for adults."then you can't really blame the press for reporting the story the way they did. If you tell the world that a decision was made because of fear about paedophiles then that is what the world is likely to believe.
Just thought I’d let you know the bridge & pub latest. John Husain of the Pump & Tap has been given his marching orders by DMU [De Montfort University] – he’s to be out by the 27th of November, and the pub will close for good a few days before on the 22nd.
John has only just been told this, and broke the news to us and his employees last night. Within the terms of his lease he (and indeed everyone else) expected a minimum of three months notice, but DMU have decided to throw him out at the end of his term on the 27th. Correct in law, but wrong in spirit – his staff will be without jobs (and with little warning) over Christmas, and the P&Ts Christmas day festivities, which the place is famous for in the area, won’t be going ahead.
It’s very sad, and DMU could have gone about it in a far better way. Everyone involved is surprised the period of notice is so short, but it doesn’t look like there’s anything we can do about it. I have a feeling the demolition of the pub will begin very shortly after the 27th.
Some of Mr McBride's money will end up in the pocket of his nemesis, one G Fawkes. As part of the £2,500 costs, it seems that Paul Staines (the man behind the beard) charged Ms Dorries' lawyer Donal Blaney £75/hour for serving the legal letter on the former Number 10 man.
During the late 1930s, the British government had been studying the future of air transport and airports in the London area. It had been decided that London would be served by four airports - Croydon, Heston and new airfields at Fairlop in Essex and Lullingstone, Kent.Fascinating stuff, but is it all true?
In an apparent attempt to infuse the dry work of government with a dash of manly brio, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California recently issued a veto statement that contained a message — and not a nice message — that some interpret as a put down of the bill’s author.
The message is hidden and can be seen only by reading the printed version of the veto statement. By taking the first letter of each line, beginning with the third line, two words emerge: The first is obscene, and the second is “you.”
“None of these choices are easy, at any time,” he says. “But we’ve got to be straight with people about what can be afforded right now. I’ve set out a radical programme that would make our society fairer, and give every child – no matter their background – the best chances in life. We know that at the moment a poor, bright child will be overtaken by a better off, less intelligent child by the time they’re seven years old.
"So we have to get in there right at the beginning, with smaller class sizes for 5-7 year olds, and extra support for children from the poorest backgrounds. We would give schools more money for taking on children from poorer families and that big injection of cash would make sure everyone had the best start in life. Then more children from disadvantaged backgrounds would have the opportunity to go to university later on.
"And yes, I want to get rid of the tuition fees system too – it’s just a question of when.”
A trail of bread was used to lure a flock of 6ft birds, which had been running wild in the Shropshire countryside, back to their enclosure.If rheas weren't so gullible they could take over the world.
Nothing has changed, but it is pleasing to find that Chesterton and Masterman were friends.Charles Masterman used to swear with derisive gusto that when we went canvassing together, he went all down one side of a street and up most of the other, and found me in the first house, still arguing the philosophy of government with the first householder.
... it is perfectly true that I began electioneering under the extraordinary delusion that the object of canvassing is conversion. The object of canvassing is counting. The only real reason for people being pestered in their own houses by party agents is quite unconnected with the principles of the party (which are often a complete mystery to the agents): it is simply that the agents may discover from the words, manner, gesticulations, oaths, curses, kicks or blows of the householder, whether he is likely to vote for the party candidate, or not to vote at all.
Stuart Syvret and John Hemming both blog, so you should be able to get the latest news directly from them.is facing prison after leaking a police report into an aborted investigation surrounding the conduct of a male nurse on the island. Mr Syvret will ask the British Government for legal asylum and “protection from harassment” from the Jersey authorities.
He says he fears that he will not get a fair trial for the alleged data-protection offences after being told that he could be barred from mounting a defence based on public interest.
Magistrates have made an order for his arrest after he failed to turn up to two hearings.
"Don't pretend not to understand, Ian"Well said.
Fact 1
A commenter on that post mentioned Rugby, Tennessee, the colony founded by Hughes. Following that link, we learn:
Fact 2British author and social reformer Thomas Hughes, famous for his classic, TOM BROWN'S SCHOOLDAYS, dedicated the Rugby Colony amid great fanfare on October 5, 1880. He envisioned his new community as a place where those who wished could build a strong agricultural community through cooperative enterprise, while maintaining a cultured, Christian lifestyle, free of the rigid class distinctions that prevailed in Britain. The idea for the colony grew out of Hughes' concern for the younger sons of landed British families. Under the custom of primogeniture, the eldest son usually inherited everything, leaving the younger sons with only a few socially accepted occupations in England. In America, Hughes believed, these young men's energies and talents could be directed toward community building through agriculture.
And you can download the whole pamphlet from Nick Clegg's website.
RIGSBY: I suppose you come from an old family?
RIGSBY: Yes. Born to it. Same in the war. My old captain - he came from a good family - not like these tu'penny ha'penny gentlemen you get today. He always carried a stick and smoked a pipe. I never saw him ruffled. When Jerry opened up he'd just lean on his stick and say, "Where do you think that's coming from, sergeant?" Everyone would leap for cover but not the captain.
PHILIP: What happened to him?
RIGSBY: (winces) He got blown up by a shell.
Now visit Rigsby Online.
Left-wing intellectuals tend to distrust the working class, believing they are quite racist as enough as it is and fearing that they will be attracted to the BNP if they are allowed to hear from them.
Garibaldi. There's a biscuit named after him. Actually, it's amazing how many biscuits are named after revolutionaries. There's your Garibaldi of course, your Bourbon and your Peak Freans Trotskyite Assortment.
This problem was tackled in 1895, which led to the debate in the Lords. Some participants thought that the Charity's revised objectives did not give sufficient weight to his wishes for the church at Church Langton.The Reverend William Hanbury, by a series of deeds made in 1767, directed the establishment of a school, the endowment of an organist, the provision of beef for the poor, the establishment of a fund to provide organs, the establishment of a picture gallery, a library, a free printing press, a hospital, and various professorships with an income of £5,909 a year, the expenditure of £100,000 on the erection of a church at Church Langton and the erection of a Temple of Religion and Virtue.
The fund of about £2,000 which he provided to satisfy these purposes proved scarcely adequate, and it is difficult to say to which of them he gave the preference.
A worker at the store, who declined to be named, said: “We’ve been affected by the internet and basically not had enough people come through the doors.
An emu comments: We have nothing to do with that side of the family.Six-foot birds are running amok in the Shropshire countryside attacking people. The rheas, which are a relative of the emu, are believed to have escaped from farmland in Ashford Carbonell near Ludlow.
A group of them has set up camp in a field near Richards Castle.
A couple of weeks of that and he have succeeded in destroying himself in public.
The serious point is that the "No Platform" tactics of the left have clearly failed. The people voting BNP are not disgruntled Tories who wish their party were more racist, they are disaffected former Labour voters who have been hit by globalisation and hear the mainstream parties saying nothing that will help them.
Left-wing intellectuals tend to distrust the working class, believing they are quite racist as enough as it is and fearing that they will be attracted to the BNP if they are allowed to hear from them.
This is nonsense. The way to take on the BNP is to defeat them in debate and at the ballot box. Denying them a hearing only feeds the belief that they are telling the truth and the public is being kept from hearing it by a cosy political establishment.
He was a striking, slightly beguiling figure. He walked with an intellectual's stoop, invariably with a cigarette in hand. A shock of white hair was permanently standing to attention above an angular, slightly hawkish face. He talked in paragraphs.Helpfully, I informed my readers that Nick was the "former Lib Dem MEP for the East Midlands and PPC for Sheffield Hallam".
According to Blogger this is the 5000th posting on Liberal England. So much for my plans for marking that landmark with an essay on the philosophical foundations of the Liberal Democrats.An arsonist is believed to have left his trousers at the scene of a fire in Warwickshire.
A pair of men's jeans were recovered from the fire at a sports court in Acre Close, Whitnash, Leamington Spa, on Monday evening
Airport security chiefs have been banned from subjecting children to a controversial new X-ray scanner that produces ‘naked’ pictures of passengers because of legal warnings the images may break child pornography laws.Told you.
I take the position that the postcode file and the data set of physical co-ordinates that go with it should be freely available to any UK citizen. I understand, though, that in the short term the entrepreneurs in your organisation have monatised their monopoly supply of the file to generate income of £11 million a year.And two other bloggers - Pirate Party UK and Stand Up Diggers All - have written about his campaign against government plans to force ISPs to disconnect people who share files.
The forthcoming struggle between Google and Amazon, both distinguished by that highly unusual feature of internet businesses of being large and profitable enough to compare with the biggest of non-internet firms, should be a sight to see. With a bit of luck, the competitive edge will drive down prices whilst driving up quality of service and technology. That should benefit both authors and readers in the long run.
Long Aye-lander in Glasgow writes about an advertisement in the Herald for someone at £140 a day to translate Glaswegian slang for foreign business people who struggle to understand the local dialect. That was a Stanley Baxter sketch about 35 years ago.
While we are at it, SwissToni's Place could do with someone to translate business jargon too.
One Man Blogs did not get a Ferrari for his birthday. Again.Winchester seems to be a centre of UFO activity: see Colin Andrews on The Winchester Cluster.The Interview is the second video of the three recorded and edited by Vinci Recorders by request of Councillor Adrian Hicks. The Interview is a short video of a mixture of questions ranging from personal, private and in-depth questions about the event that took place.
The video was recorded in early August 2009 and was prepared for publication in early December 2009. Unfortunately the video had been leaked by an unknown source on the 13th October 2009. Councillor Adrian Hicks and Vinci Recorders have agreed to allow the leaked version to remain online and will still be releasing the video in early December 2009.
Oddly, the Telegraph seems to have beaten the Guardian to the story.A suppressed report which details how an oil company dumped toxic waste in Africa that may cause serious burns and even death has been released following a parliamentary row over freedom of speech.
The study commissioned just weeks after the incident in West Africa concluded that the dumping would have been illegal under European pollution laws and suggests that the “likely cause” of the illness reported by locals was the “significant release” of potentially lethal gas.
The report had been kept secret after Trafigura, one of the world’s largest independent oil trading firms, obtained a "super injunction" that threatened the centuries-old privilege of newspapers to report what MPs can say freely in the Commons.
On Friday night, as the High Court gagging order was lifted, senior figures at Trafigura admitted their approach may have been “heavy-handed” and insisted it had not been their intention to try to gag Parliament.
An article sketched the attributes of Michael Fabricant MP, describing him as a political version of the Hairy Cornflake and "the only pirate radio disc jockey in the Commons" (The DJ and the doughnut, 15 October, page 13).
In fact, one of his Conservative colleagues, Roger Gale, MP for North Thanet, was on Radio Caroline in 1964-65.
According to the Leicester Mercury:
About 500 copies of the magazine, from the nine churches which make up the Vale of Belvoir benefice, are distributed in villages between Bottesford and Long Clawson. It is either put through doors of people who request it, or left in churches for people to collect.Later. It has been pointed out to me that if I explain that Belvoir is pronounced beaver then a) this story will make more sense to people who do not live in Leicestershire and b) it will get more hits.
Some weeks ago we asked for your initial views about a “Lib Dem internetty meet up thing.”
Some good ideas emerged from the comments, and I am pleased to announce that after weeks of work for m’colleague Helen Duffett, we are able to set up the first of these meetings.
Some of the details are a little sketchy, but here’s what we know for sure:
Venue: Edinburgh – Scottish Lib Dem HQ, 4 Clifton Terrace EH12 5DR. Map here: http://bit.ly/5hFce
Date: Saturday 21 November 2009
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Facilities: Wireless network will be available, meeting room and (tbc) a smaller breakout room.
Transport: Haymarket Station opposite, good bus links, parking not so good on the doorstep but is available within a few minutes’ walk. Edinburgh airport to the west of the city.
At least four of us so far are planning on making a weekend of it, and we are lining up fun politico things to do for the rest of our time on the Sunday.
To attend, you must register via this thread in our Forum
We very much hope this event will be the first of many, and next year (General Election willing) we hope to explore the other offers of accommodation made in Reading and Nottingham.
There's more:David Wilshire, a senior Conservative MP, used his House of Commons expenses to pay more than £100,000 of taxpayers’ money to his own company, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
Mr Wilshire claimed for more than three years for office assistance provided by “Moorlands Research Services”. Parliamentary expenses rules forbid MPs from entering into arrangements which “may give rise to an accusation” of profiting from public funds. But on Wednesday night, Mr Wilshire – the MP for Spelthorne in Surrey – admitted that he and his partner, Ann Palmer, were sole owners of the business.
The Telegraph has established that, between 2005 and 2008, Mr Wilshire paid up to £3,250 a month to the business. Extra invoices were also submitted and the total paid to the firm was £105,500. However, there is no official record of the company’s existence and it has never filed public accounts.
And:Mr Wilshire is now certain to face significant scrutiny from his constituents, already angry at his use of parliamentary expenses. Despite having a constituency 20 miles from Westminster, he has consistently claimed the maximum second home allowance for a flat in central London. In total, he has claimed £141,039 since 2001.
In a highly unusual arrangement with the fees office, he claimed thousands in monthly payments that he said went towards the cost of decorating and replacing its curtains and carpets in the future. He has refused to repay the money despite conceding that it has not all been spent.
With his main home in Somerset, he has also claimed more than £43,000 for travel since 2001.
Mr Wilshire ... is best known for his controversial creation of Section 28 of the 1988 Local Government Act, which he introduced “to prevent local authorities from promoting homosexuality”.Jon Craig adds on his Sky News blog:
the response from the Tory high command, so far, is measured. "David Wilshire is referring himself to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, John Lyon," I was told. Before expressing a view, the Tory leader will wait and see what Lyon's probe uncovers, I was informed.
It seems to me, however, that the accusations against Wilshire are rather similar to those against a number of Tory MEPs a year or so ago. And we all know that Cameron came down on them like a ton of bricks.
On Saturday I went to see a train leave Market Harborough Station. It was larger than the customary trains which have been leaving on that line for a considerable time, and it was headed by a very ancient Midland engine. On the platform were a very large number of people to see this train, the last ordinary passenger train on this line to leave Market Harborough for Melton Mowbray. I understand that there was a considerable crowd at Melton Mowbray also to see it on its last return journey.
Many who witnessed the departure at either end were wearing mourning clothes with black ribands and armlets. They were "in at the death" of a service which had rendered considerable assistance to the rural communities between Market Harborough and Melton Mowbray on a piece of line which had served 11 rural stations. On each side of the line is the finest feeding land in Britain.John Baldock was the MP for Harborough between 1950 and 1959. He died in 2003. The photograph of East Norton station is borrowed from the GNR & LNWR Joint site.
With every day that passes, I am convinced that the LibDems will enter the next election campaign with a promise to withdraw from Afghanistan. They daren't come out with it now, but as sure as eggs is eggs, that's the direction in which they are tiptoeing. If it was some principled stance, one could have a rational debate about it, but it's not. It's pure, calculated, naked political opportunism.I don't know if this is true, but it will not worry my if that is. I have long been asking what we are meant to be doing in Afghanistan, and nothing I have read has given much of an answer.
So how does Iain differentiate himself from his main challenger in the primary? Easy. By positioning himself as the uncomplicated supporter of our boys in Afghanistan and having a got at the hated Liberal Democrats in the process."The fate of the world does not depend on what happens in Afghanistan and it is a ridiculous idea that if we do not fight in Afghan villages, we will be fighting on the streets of Britain. Most Afghans could not find Britain on a map."
But what of our moral obligations? "Don't we have obligations to our soldiers and to our taxpayers?" he shoots back.
"This can't be a blank cheque. You cannot say that we have an obligation to an unknown country which is limitless. You don't have a moral obligation to do what you cannot do. This is not our country."
Worse than the impotence is the irrelevance. Stewart points out patiently that Al Qaeda is not even in Afghanistan but in Pakistan.
"We have come into a room with an angry cat called Afghanistan and a tiger called Pakistan and we are beating the cat. We say, oh it is tiger/cat strategy. But it is really that we don't know what to do about the tiger."
Stewart says that President Obama is locked into Afghanistan to prove that he is tough about American security after the withdrawal from Iraq. And the British are there because we are there.
"The images are not erotic or pornographic and they cannot be stored or captured in any way."She had better save it for the judge. As the two blogs suggest, these plans are clearly illegal under child pornography laws.
Clive Owen is perhaps the paramount reason to see the film. His performance is a minor revelation after years of action films (Shoot ’Em Up) and thrillers (Duplicity). Owen makes a character that comes with clichés—a tough, no-nonsense, sometimes drinker—fascinating to watch at every turn. Joe is sensitive and loving but only sparingly, as he also has to be tough and strong for his sons.
Four of the trees in the Hammond Arboretum, at the rear of Robert Smyth School in Burnmill Road, Harborough, were earlier this year recorded as champions by tree expert Owen Johnson.
Mr Johnson has spent more than ten years studying and recording trees at hundreds of estates across Britain and Ireland. He visited the arboretum in June and determined that a Japanese platycarya strobilacea, planted in 1928, is the oldest of the very few known in cultivation.