Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Time Team comes to Market Harborough

Or Stonton Wyville, to be precise.

The Leicester Mercury reports:

Tony Robinson and Channel 4's Time Team are filming in Leicestershire this week. And they've achieved a series first ...

It's taken 160 programmes and 13 years, but TV's Time Team achieved a remarkable first in south Leicestershire this week. Tony Robinson, the artist formerly known as Baldrick, and his crew of archeologists, have uncovered evidence of an Anglo-Saxon settlement about 1,200-years-old, near Market Harborough.

They've unearthed the foundations of an old meeting hall, a workman's hunting knife and so much broken pottery it looks like they've been cleaning up after a Greek wedding.

It has taken 15 series for the team to find a bona fide Anglo-Saxon settlement, says Tony, "so you'll have to excuse us if we're looking a little bit pleased with ourselves''.

Stonton Wyville is one of those village that never really recovered from the Black Death, but Mill Farm used to do very good teas. I believe that, sadly, the tearoom is now closed.

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