With Steve Webb announcing this morning that he is not to stand for the leadership, it looks as though we may be down to a Clegg vs Huhne contest.
I think that is a great shame. I should have liked to see both David Laws and Steve Webb standing. That way we should have a lively contest with a range of opinion represented and a number of personable candidates.
And there would have been much more chance of the Liberal Democrats recapturing the public imagination.
What I fear now s that we shall have a repeat of the last leadership contest. Then Lib Dem MPs largely closed ranks around Ming Campbell - David Steel went so far as to call on them to ensure that Ming's was the only name on the ballot papers set before the membership. The press was pretty solidly behind Ming too.
All this meant that there was little proper debate. And the party chose the wrong leader as a result.
I don't think Ming was the wrong leader. He just was the right leader in wrong time. I wish he had stood in 1999.