In an article in tomorrow's Observer Hazel Blears has an obvious dig at the prime minister:
I'm not against new media. YouTube if you want to. But it's no substitute for knocking on doors or setting up a stall in the town centre.And her analysis of this government's weakness is spot on:
All too often we announce new strategies or five-year plans, or launch new documents – often with colossal price tags attached – that are received by the public with incredulity at best and, at worst, with hostility.But isn't that precisely what Labourism involves?
What a great candidate for the LibDem front bench!
Incidentally, when was the last time you saw Labour supporters out "knocking on doors or setting up a stall"?
In my constituency, they're barely capable of organising a coffee morning...
Hazel Blears? Pot calling kettle black. Her dept and its predecessors are long time serial offenders in not updating local democracy and local govt to match the changes in society locally, nationally and globally. Having local govt run by amateurs is a crass mistake, and the Executive Cabinet system has only made it worse. Not ensuring that local govt officers are upskilled and required to operate to formal quality management principles (many of which have been developed with public funding) is just one more kiss of death for our public administration politicos in the centre. Central govt just dumps on local govt, taking no responsibility for the mistakes in the instructions handed down.