Saturday, May 02, 2009

Polly Toynbee doesn't get the credit crunch

She writes in today's Guardian:
Cameron has just performed a U-turn of breathtaking dimensions. Gone are the hoodie-hugging, husky-driving, go-green and let-the-sunshine-in days, replaced by nothing but hard Thatcherite 1980s promises of austerity and cuts. Look what's coming, and be very afraid.
Thanks to Labour's excessive spending and borrowing, we are in for austerity and cuts whoever wins the next election.

1 comment:

  1. Polly's fears for the future make more sense in the context of her next paragraph:

    "This week a survey on the ConservativeHome website of likely new Tory MPs was an eye-opener. They are socially conservative, anti-environment, anti-Europe, anti-abortion, anti-gay adoption, pro-hunting and strongly in favour of the married couples' allowance that redistributes tax to the middle class. Only 15% see the climate as ­important: terrorism matters much more. Most want to cut money for Scotland: a Tory win will trigger new support for independence. They are well to the right of their leader, even his tougher guise. Lord Ashcroft, who channels money to favoured marginals, has nurtured a nest of MPs more to his own liking."

    I "get" the financial crash and I'm scared of NewTory austerity.
