Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Sneak preview of September's Wikio blog rankings

Thanks to those nice people at Wikio for giving Liberal England an exclusive preview of the Wikio rankings for September. These are the rankings for all blogs, not just political ones.

Having emphasised that, however, I find that political blogs still dominate this list. In fact two prominent technology blogs Boing Boing and Engadget (nos. 3 and 4 last month) have dropped out altogether. I hate to suggest this list is flawed, but... (Later. A commenter suggests they are US blogs and should not have been there in the first place.)

Notable rises among the political blogs come from Tory Bear, The Devil's Kitchen, John Redwood and Letters from a Tory.

It's been a good month for the Liberal Democrats, with Lib Dem Voice, Mark Reckons, Charlotte Gore and (hem, hem) Liberal England all going up.

One other phenomenon is worthy of comment. Two craft blogs, A Spoon Full of Sugar and Just Magnolia have shot up the rankings.

Is raffia work the new politics?

1Iain Dale's Diary (=)
2Guy Fawkes' Blog (=)
3Liberal Conspiracy (+2)
4Labourlist (+2)
5Liberal Democrat Voice (+2)
6And Another Thing... (+7)
7Harry's Place (+3)
8Dizzy Thinks (=) (=)
10Tory Bear (+4)
11The Devil's Kitchen (+5)
12Old Holborn (=)
13Blah! Blah! Technology (-2)
14Mark Reckons (+7)
15Charlotte Gore Blog (+11)
16A Spoon Full of Sugar (+53)
17Mr Eugenides (+5)
18Archbishop Cranmer (-3)
19Conservative Home's Tory Diary (=)
20Normblog (+3)
21Political Animal (+8)
22Conservative Home's Seats & Candidates Blog (+16)
23Just Magnolia (+61)
24Bad Science (-6)
25John Redwood's Diary (+22)
26Stumbling and Mumbling (+1)
27EU Referendum (+8)
28Pickled Politics (+16)
29The Guardian Technology Blog (+2)
30UK Polling Report (=)
31Geekologie (+5)
32Letters from a Tory (+19)
33Bloggerheads (-16)
34Obnoxio the Clown (-1)
35Labour Home (-11)
36Craig Murray (-8)
37The Wardman Wire (+4)
38Liberal England (+5)
39Nick Robinson's Newslog (-14) (-8)

Ranking by Wikio


  1. Boing boing and Engadget aren't British, surely?

  2. That may be why they have disappeared. They were in the August list.

  3. Yes those two are US sites and had erroneously moved into the UK rankings that month. We subsequently moved them back to our US rankings.

    Wikio UK

  4. Since you're here, Dan - I'm making progress with identifying "local" blogs, in between various family crises.


  5. If raffiawork is the new politics, does that make Iain Dale Grabber or fotherington-tomas?
