Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Whatever happened to the Gender Balance Awards?

Caron Lindsay has posted a breakdown of the Total Politics top 75 Lib Dem blogs by gender:
I'm really impressed with both the quality and number of our women bloggers too. We have 3 in the top 10, 5 in the top 20, 7 in the top 30. We have women out there writing excellent, thought provoking blogs.
That's a lot better than the Tories can manage - according to Caron only three of their top 100 blogs are written by women - but my impression was that we were now closer to gender equality than that.

All of which raises the question: whatever happened to the Gender Balance Blog Awards? At the start of the year a lot of effort was put into promoting these awards for women Lib Dem bloggers. Those of us who expressed doubts about the enterprise were gently put in our place.

But there were no Gender Balance Awards in 2009. Not only that: I have nowhere seen an explanation of why they were not held this year.

Has the job of encouraging women bloggers been done? That seems a little optimistic: if giving awards to Alix Mortimer solved problems so easily, the world would be a better place than it is.

Or was it simply that no one could be found to run the thing? It would be interesting to know.


  1. AFAIK it was only ever supposed to be a one off. I could be wrong, though, and your capcha image has just called me a whoresson, so...

  2. It is a good question. I spent many fleeting moments in January agonising over whether I ought to be taking the initiative in organising it. The original was organised by James G, and it would be just like him to assume that everyone else is as competent and team-spirited as he is about these things and that the winner can therefore be relied upon to organise next year's.

    But, (a) I'm not and (b) I tentatively think that it has worked. Or, at any rate, it has coincided with the exact development it sought to foster. (Or, most likely, somewhere between the two). Because the blogosphere has evened itself out now, no-one has been particularly exercised about waiting for/talking about the CGB blog awards. So, if the ideal endpoint of any positive discrimination is to make itself obsolete, then this has succeeded.
