Thursday, September 02, 2010

The 97th worst political blog in Britain

At least Liberal England is according to the readers of A Very Public Sociologist.

Given that the those readers are the sort of people who grew up reading Soviet coal production figures under the bedclothes with a torch, I rather wish I was higher in the list.


  1. You and the Elephant in that list! What is the World coming to?

  2. You have to feel some pity for the bloke though -- living in Stoke-on-Trent, and reading Gramsci's Prison Notebooks for recreation, as well as being a member of the Labour Party. What a miserable existence!

  3. I particularly enjoyed the fact that he excluded BNP blogs as a matter of policy ! What a terrific bit of self-defeating logic ! The thought process (if I may so dignify it) is the BNP is so bad that I won't even put them on a list of things which I think are bad.

  4. Who's the litigious blogger he won't link to? Any idea?

  5. The reason for excluding BNP blogs is 1) they'd have the list all sewn up and 2) I will play no part in legitimising them.

    For a point of info, the most enthusiastic voters were our friends from the "libertarian" hard right.

  6. Thanks. I don't mind - I'll upset anybody.
