Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lord Bonkers' Diary: He had fashioned a rope from the bedclothes

Could this be the first sign of tension between Lord Bonkers and the party's new leader?


Back to events in Bournemouth. Really, Jo might have told me that the Tory MPs she was after had to want to join the Liberal Democrats. Such a change in policy to something altogether softer should have been debated amongst the membership before it was enacted. I do hope this will not prove typical of her leadership.

My plans fell flat in any case: when I returned to my hotel room to fetch the aforementioned Tory MP so I could drag him on to the conference stage, I found he had fashioned a rope from the bedclothes and made his exit through the window.

Anyway, tomorrow morning I set off on an election tour of the country and will not see Rutland again for a whole week.

Lord Bonkers was Liberal MP for Rutland South West, 1906-10.

Previously in Lord Bonkers' Diary:

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