Ginger Geezer has a Record Collector interview with Stanshall from 1995 which casts more light on it:
Record Collector: What was the difference between writing with Steve and writing for the Bonzos with Neil Innes?
Viv Stanshall: With Neil, we bickered when writing together, or else I attended to the words and he provided the music, or vice-versa. With Steve, it was much closer because of our agreement spiritually - although we have hardly anything in common, we go out for walks and agree philosophically. We have a damn good sort out with each other before we approach whatever the damn thing means.
According to a recent interview with Winwood, there are some 100 songs they collaborated on, of which only a handful have been recorded and released. This is like discovering a cache of new Bach compositions. Hopefully they will see the light of day soon.