Sunday, August 11, 2019

Former boss of Bradgate Park complains to Charity Commission over councils' takeover

Not all is well at Bradgate Park.

This 850-acre chunk of Charnwood Forest is one of the wonders of Leicestershire. In 1928 it was given to the people of the county in perpetuity.

It is run by the The Bradgate Park Trust, but on Wednesday a story appeared in the Leicester Mercury announcing that Sir Peter Soulsby, Leicester's elected mayor, and Nick Rushton, leader of the county council, had taken control of the park.

The basis on which they had done so was not made clear by the Mercury, and now it has printed a second article in which the trust's former chief executive Peter Tyldesley has his say.

It quotes him as saying:
"I read Nick Rushton’s comments about how he felt the trust was being run with a mixture of amusement and concern. 
"The same goes for the staff. 
"I do not think the trust is now being run in the best interests the people of Leicester and Leicestershire. 
"It is being run in the interests of the councillors. 
"There’s a real conflict of interest now because the separation between the charity and the councils is reduced.”
Mr Tyldesley also told the paper::
"I resigned my post in June and the next day commenced the whistleblowing process with the Charity Commission, 
"It’s now in their hands."

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