Monday, January 22, 2024

Ella Ravilious on Eric Ravilious

This is lovely. Ella Ravilious takes us on a personal journey through her grandfather Eric's life. 

She explores the techniques Eric Ravilious learnt and mastered, his influential creative connections, the artists and designers he admired and studied, his favourite subjects to depict, the landscapes he loved and the adventures he had as an official war artist in World War II.

Ella Ravilious works as a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum.


Anonymous said...

If you ever get the chance to see the (slightly dramatised) documentary “Eric Ravilious: Drawn to War”, please do. It’s exceptionally good, but had a very limited release. I had to go all the way to Marlborough for the only showing there, but it was well worth the journey. Some of his work is also put on X/Twitter every morning under the handle @Ravilious1942

Jonathan Calder said...

Thank you, Anon. I saw the film in Leicester and blogged about it at the time. I can recommend that Twitter account too.