Saturday, March 06, 2010

Lost tribe of Israel found in Zimbabwe

Lord Bonkers summons me.

"Have you heard? They've found The Lost Tribe of Israel in Zimbabwe."

"But what are they doing in Zimbabwe?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment. "Perhaps they got lost?"


  1. Truth stranger than fiction eh? Maybe King Solomon did indeed have mines around there!

  2. I think that Jonathan should have been more robust with Lord Bonkers.

    Jews were expelled from Europe in the middle ages, and some travelled as far away as possible. Possibly to the middle of Africa. In order to live.

    I heartily recommend the songs of Yasmin Levy who records the music of those who were expelled.

  3. Had I done so, Lord B would have pointed out that the Lost Tribes of Israel became lost in Biblical times, not the Middle Ages.
