"When the Anglican Church declared its schism from the Pope in Rome, it unilaterally transferred from Rome to Canterbury the power to appoint bishops, but seems to have forgotten to provide the Archbishop of Canterbury with the power to fire them."
Gavin Ashenden examines the crisis that has enveloped the diocese of Winchester.
Tim Farron opposes the Lakeland Clearances.
Charlotte Armitage and and Kenneth Murray talk about growing up in the care system in Scotland: "My records are full of conversations like this. Disputes about whether claims I was making were fact or questioning my motives in a way which seems odd when you remember I was eleven. Throughout my records it’s clear something is missing. My voice."
Shaft, the coolest detective in pop culture history, is also one of the most important, argues Kieran Fisher.
Don't let
James Wright hear you say that Nottingham does not have "a proper castle".
John McMahon ventures into the crypt of St Pancras Church in the Euston Road: "This week Ritual Britain, a new exhibition exploring these traditions and reflecting on their potential role at this tumultuous point in our Island story, opens in London. Probably the most complete gallery-based survey of British Calendar customs in over a decade, the exhibition brings together a wide selection of objects and images from the collection of the peripatetic Museum of British Folklore ... and twenty original paintings plus film, photography, and music by the artist Ben Edge."
I agree COMPLETELY with Tim!