Guardian reported this morning:
Prisoners from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA ) - which comprises the 25 EU nations plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein - will be offered a package worth between £500 and £2,500 to go home, rather than face detention while they are considered for deportation.
Nick Clegg
"What has the Home Secretary been doing for the last six months if his efforts to solve the foreign prisoner crisis now amount to a vague pledge to sort the problem out by next spring, and an even vaguer plan to bribe them to go back home?
But I was reminded of Chris Morris's Brass Eye and his
cashback scheme for criminals:
STUDIO: (David Compression, the interviewer, and "Mad" Frankie Fraser on either side of a desk, current affairs interview style)
CM: "Up NEXT... A new scheme, for young offenders."
DC: "Take the cashback scheme, that they're gonna try in Toxteth, where young offenders are on a fourteen-week sentence - costs about two grand a week to keep them in - so rather than spend twenty-eight grand to keep them inside, they give them twenty-five grand, and say "here you are, use that, for a positive reason."
TITLE: ("Mad" Frankie Fraser, ex gangster)
MFF: "I think that's a smashing idea. Yeah, I do, honestly."
DC: "If someone had done that to you, what would have happened?"
MFF: "I don't think you'd have ever heard of me again."
STUDIO:(David Compression, the interviewer, and Sir Rhodes Boyson on either side of a desk, current affairs interview style)
DC: "Do you think perhaps enlisting somebody like Richard Branson to sell the cashback scheme... _might_ just work, might just get through to them."
RB: "I wouldn't say no to that."
DC: "I suppose if there was an element of... stick, you know - Richard Branson up in a balloon, watching the situation and saying, "there's your twenty-six thousand pounds, but I'm watching you from a balloon, and I can see a very long way.""
RB: "I'd go along with that."
I have always reckoned that most government policies start life as sketches in comedy shows.