Thursday, July 19, 2018

William Wallace condemns Theresa May for not speaking out against extremism

Good stuff from the Liberal Democrat peer William Wallace in the Yorkshire Post:
When Theresa May became Prime Minister she promised to heal the divisions in British politics and society that the referendum campaign had opened. Two year later, those divisions have widened, rather than narrowed, with violent language and threats appearing in newspaper headlines and online messages. 
And the Prime Minister has remained silent, two years later, about the underlying threat to democratic debate and dialogue – and to the safety of our politicians – that this presents. 
Last week I met two MPs, from different parties, walking along Whitehall comparing the death threats they had received. Both were men; they remarked that many women MPs had received more such threats than they had, and were – two years after the murder of Batley & Spen’s Jo Cox – even more concerned that aggressive language might lead to violent attacks. 
The Yorkshire Post these days is a good paper that you should make part of your regular reading if you are interested in politics.

And trivia fans will be pleased that Helen Wallace, William's wife, is the daughter of Edward Rushworth who fought the Harborough constituency for the Liberal Party three times, polling 13,533 votes in the last of them (1964).

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