When I wrote about the Irish Lisbon referendum at the end of April I quoted another newspaper report about an opinion poll:The Lisbon Treaty is heading towards a shock defeat with the No side now in the lead, according to the findings of the latest Irish Times/TNS mrbi poll.
It will take an unprecedented swing in the last week of the campaign for the Treaty to be carried.
The poll shows the number of people intending to vote No has almost doubled to 35 per cent (up 17 points) since the last poll three weeks ago, while the number of the Yes side has declined to 30 per cent (down 5 points).
The number of undecided voters is still a significant 28 per (down 12 points) cent, while 7 per cent won’t vote.
The massive increase by the No vote since the last poll has mainly come through gains among undecided voters but, even more ominously for the Yes side, it has lost some support to the No camp.
Support for the treaty has fallen from 43 per cent in February to 35 per cent today among those entitled to vote in the referendum. Those opposed to the treaty have increased from 24 per cent to 31 per cent. The number of undecided voters remains almost unchanged, at 34 per cent.All of which suggests that the No forces are winning the argument pretty decisively in Ireland, despite the poster above.
And as I said in that posting, it does not help the European cause in Britain that we have been left as spectators of someone else's referendum, waiting to see our fate decided
The latest revelations on Indymedia Ireland about fraud at the European Court of Auditors are not likely to help the YES side.
ReplyDeletePlease Irish People, in the name of Europeans peoples , vote NO !
ReplyDeleteSee the comments below this french article http://www.liberation.fr/actualite/monde/330142.FR.php
Most of the commentators wish Ireland could vote NO.
If ever it’d happened, this would be a huge slap in the face of the European Commision technocrats who are completely disconnected from reality. The current way the European Union is designed is mainly in the interest of politicians, media and corporations and definitely not in the interest of the majority of the people.
If ever Ireland voted YES, Europe would become the poodle-puppet of the USA, specially into military domains.
Please, be wise, vote NO and do not fear the pressure of the press and of politicians.
And BTW voting YES would mean not an enlargement but a castration.
Straight Irish men and women. Please do our european continent a favor and vote NO to the lisbon treaty.
ReplyDeleteI ask your help for us all from germany. Most people in the 27 country's are NOT AGAINST the european union but AGAINST an EU of the big busineses. Against an antidemocratic not even to say a faschist EU which do not care about their people. Wich do not care about our children and which do not care about peace.
They only care about foreign ressources which the want to "secure" for europe by means of war if neccessary.
They want send our children into death, just to secure their profits.
Again, good people of ireland. Remind your history as a strong and free nation as well as remind your responsibility for other european nation who dont have the opportunity to decide.
God bless you..