Sunday, February 19, 2017

Market Harborough station with semaphore signals

Not just semaphore signals, but a very fine splitting distant. That means I took this photo while there was still an Up Goods line from Little Bowden Junction to Desborough North.

It was lifted as part of the Leicester to Bedford resignalling project, which dates this one to before 1983.

But I have photos of this signal with a single distant, so it must date from a little before then. I would guess 1979 or 1980.

The locomotive approaching from south is a Class 25 hauling what looks to be a departmental train or a very mixed freight.

Note too the grass of the Dainite sports ground, which has long since had houses built on it.

1 comment:

  1. Odd train! Four parcel vans, followed - it seems - by tanks.

