Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wild boars the size of a ‘small car’ advancing on Scottish city

The city in question is Inverness and the story has won the Telegraph our Headline of the Day Award.

After their meeting, one of the judges remarked that the obvious response to this advance is the rewilding of the Great Glen. Introduce apex predators that will prey on the wild boar and the problem will vanish.


Laurence Cox said...

I suspect that the apex predators will find it easier to prey on sheep as they are more vulnerable than wild boars with their tusks to defend themselves. We have already seen Scottish sheep farmers complaining about eagles taking lambs. Is there any reason not to allow hunting of wild boars like the also too numerous deer.

Jonathan Calder said...

The judge, I suspect, was not being entirely serious. Those elusive British big cats are said to prefer deer to sheep.