On Thursday 17 September, Vince Cable MP will give a lecture at the University of Leicester entitled The Economy: The Way Forward.
Vincent Cable has been an MP for Twickenham since 1997. He read Natural Science and Economics at Cambridge University, where he was President of the Union, followed by a PhD at Glasgow University. He worked as Treasury Finance Officer for the Kenya Government, then lectured at Glasgow University in economics; worked as a first Secretary in the Diplomatic Service in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; was Deputy Director of the Overseas Development Institute, this included a period working for the then Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, John Smith MP and was Special Advisor on Economic Affairs for the Commonwealth Secretary General, Sir Sonny Ramphal.
From 1990 Mr Cable worked for Shell International and from 1995 was Shell's Chief Economist. He has also been head of the economics programme at Chatham House.
Since becoming an MP, has been appointed a fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford and at the LSE. Mr Cable has been the Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor since November 2003 and is currently Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats. He founded and has, until recently, chaired the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Policing and Victims of Crime. Mr Cable has published several books, most recently the best seller The Storm, and reports on international economics, trade and environmental issues.
The lecture will take place from 5.30pm-6.30pm in the Rattray Lecture Theatre, followed by a reception in the Senior Common Room Park Lounge, 4th floor CWB.
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