Friday, November 12, 2010

Six of the Best 106

Writing on Liberal Democrat Voice, Simon McGrath suggests that the Guardian story about the Coalition's cap on housing benefit driving the poor out of Southern England is nonsense.

Virtually Naked finds Phil Woolas "continuing his tantrum like a petulant toddler".

Thanks to Tom Watson MP, we now know which artworks Coalition ministers have chosen for their offices. The coolest turns out to be George Osborne, who has a 7ft long engraved map (seen above) by Grayson Perry depicting "a divided country, at war with itself". I also envy Vince Cable his Eric Ravilious lithograph.

Three Thousand Versts of Loneliness finds that the savage beating of a journalists lays bare the problems of Russia's system of government.

"TV shows and films remind you more of the time they were made than the time they were set. Bonnie and Clyde is very 1970s, High Noon is very 1950s and so on. Downton Abbey is very 2010. It's Daily Mail 2010," argues The Ex-Communicator.

Wartime Houswife thinks The Jeremy Kyle Show is "absolutely brilliant". Hear her.


  1. Only Bonnie and Clyde was made in the sixties... ('67 I think) :-)

  2. True, and in fact it is a very sixties film.
