Sunday, December 04, 2016

Six of the Best 647

Richard Morris shows that the argument that people do not vote against their own economic interests is wrong because it relies upon an inadequate understanding of human psychology.

He witnessed Kristallnacht and then had to suffer Jonathan Ross. Roger Lewis on the harrowing, inspiring life of Andrew Sachs.

The Gentle Author mourns the closure of Whitechapel Bell Foundry: "Every time I walked past the ancient foundry walls (the oldest manufacturing company in the land – founded in 1570), I wondered about the alchemical mystery of bellfounding taking place inside."

"This is a grim tale, with its sweaty, dirty, horror brought home to us perhaps more than any other Doctor Who story by the raw emotion of our heroes." Alex Wilcock is our guide to An Unearthly Child, the first ever Doctor Who story.

Christopher Beanland remembers the maglev trains that once served Birmingham Airport.

What did Market Harborough children play with in the 16th and 17th century? Colm on Irish Archaeology has the answer.

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