Friday, July 01, 2022

The lost stations of York

I've posted videos on the lost stations of Oxford, Cambridge and Norwich. They're all excellent stations in their way, but don't you find them a little modern?

So let's go to York.

I photographed York Layerthorpe (7:50) when I was a student in the city and, though Osbaldwick was long gone by then, walked further down the Derwent Valley Light Railway to Dunnington station.

There's another thing. 

At 4:30 in the video you can see a sign on the cutting side spelling out YORK. The whole thing was cast in concrete, with the letters formed by bare earth. It was obviously made to be planted.

One night I was a member of a party of three - call us the Provisional wing of the University of York Railway Society - who stole across the tracks, planted seeds in that bare earth and stole back.

These days that sort of thing can close the East Coast Main Line for hours. But we just saw it as a bit of fun. 

Such amusing young gentlemen.

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