In a powerful post, Anna Raccoon spares a thought for the plight of Crispin Blunt's wife: "There is no self determination for her. No expression of a hard won freedom to be the person she always thought she should be. There are no ‘Rejection Pride’ marches snaking through city centres in celebration of her new lifestyle, no Fireman will be threatened with the sack for not handing out leaflets admiring her ‘choice’ in life – for she did not make a choice."
PogoWasRight.org says that US schools are grooming children for a surveillance state.
A fascinating New York Times article looks at the debate over whether the language we speak governs the way that we see the world.
Diamond Geezer mourns another of London's lost rivers - Pudding Mill River, sacrificed to the construction of the Olympic stadium.
"Hundreds of ancient sites have been discovered by aerial surveys, thanks to a dry start to the summer," reports BBC News.
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