Today's news is all about Paul Nuttall's withdrawal of his claim to have lost a close friend in the Hillsborough tragedy.
He says he can produce witnesses who will swear he was in the crowd that day. The time has come when he must do so.
But the more significant story involving him may be this one by Owen Bennett on Huffington Post:
Nigel Farage is refusing to do any more campaigning for Ukip in the Stoke Central by-election after falling out with the new leader’s closest advisor ...
Farage last week appeared at a rally in Stoke to support Paul Nuttall’s bid to win the seat from Labour, but was furious to discover a Ukip member who had made a series of allegations about him was helping to run the event.
Lisa Duffy – who unsuccessfully stood to be party leader last summer – was secretly recorded by her campaign manager making claims about Farage’s personal life, which became the basis of a controversial book about Ukip.
Farage is considering suing Duffy over her comments, and was appalled to see her at the Victoria Hall in Stoke on February 6 when he addressed hundreds of local residents.
A source close to the former Ukip leader says he holds Patrick O’Flynn – Nuttall’s closest advisor – responsible for Duffy’s involvement.It is easy to laugh at the way Ukip's bigwigs are falling out among themselves - though hard to laugh enough.
But behind this may lie Nigel Farage's pathological inability to allow anyone else to run the party.

The favourite? One N. Farage.
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