Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Murder Capital: Words Lost Meaning

Your or I would have written a Focus leaflet: The Murder Capital started a rock band.

Here they are talking to DIY magazine in 2019:

Questioning the current social and political climate in their homeland, they’re viscerally animated, demanding better at every turn.

"It just feels like there are loads of fuckin' hotels going up over Dublin, where there could be new housing," James hammers home. "There are cranes all over the city. There’s one on George’s Street right now, and they're gutting this beautiful Georgian house, and I stopped and asked the builder what it was gonna be, and it’s turning into a fuckin' Premier Inn.

"The hotels are only a sidenote to the homelessness, the suicide, the mental health issues. The lack of services available to people who aren’t from even middle class backgrounds," he continues. "We just wanna talk about it as much as possible, and make sure that the government knows that we’re not happy with the standard of where it’s at. People have real issues in their lives, and they need somewhere to go and talk about these things beyond their friends and families. It feels like there’s no excuses. I know bad things that have happened to people that were avoidable."

"James" is James McGovern, the band's singer.

Words Lost Meaning is a track from The Murder Capital's new single and a track from their forthcoming album Blindness.

McGovern explained it to NME:

"I've had experiences in my own relationship, being on tour a lot, where the words 'I love you' would be used over text, or as a way to close a conversation.

"They were dismantling and losing their essence… if the words 'I love you' are losing meaning in a romantic context or a partnership, it’s a worrying sign. Those words mean so much, and they should be respected as such. I’d rather say goodbye and say nothing if it's not going to be said with meaning."

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